Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Hamster's Basic Food

Hamster's Basic Food
The easiest way to make sure your hamster’s full provides everything he needs is to buy the best prepared food you can find. Then supplement its diet with pieces of fresh fruits and veggies, throwing in an occasional mealworm or cricket. A varied diet is as important to hamsters as it is to people.

Pellets are a food where the ingredients are ground up, mixed, and formed into little pieces. The requirement to gnaw on pellets and the balanced nutrition of pellets make them a suitable part of your pet’s diet.

Mixed Seeds & Grain
Mixed seeds & grain are just like they sound, a food mixture of seeds and grains. Some mixed foods include a variety of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. This type of food provides a variety of choices for your hamster to enjoy and is an excellent part of his diet.

Timothy Hay & Alfalfa
Timothy hay, alfalfa or a mix of the two are a nice addition to the diet. In the wild, hamsters are grass eaters and may enjoy nibbling on some hay. Not all will eat it, but it is worth a try

1 komentar:

  1. Nice article.Hamster needs lots of exercise to keep happy. Hamsters need a complete, balanced diet in order to remain healthy and active. They typically need a somewhat broad variety of Hamster food, including seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Thanks for sharing.
